Author Archives: Dr. Andrew Gessert

Managing Everyday Back Pain

Did you know back pain is one of the most common reasons people go to the doctor or miss work? It’s also a leading cause of disability worldwide. Back pain can be acute (short-term) or chronic (long-term). It can either feel like a sudden, sharp pain, or a dull, constant ache. While acute back pain…Continue Reading

Spend Less Time Recovering from Injuries

Spring is underway, and with warmer weather comes more time spent outdoors running, hiking, cycling, or starting a landscaping project. These activities are great ways to spend more time with family and get some fresh air, but they also come with risk of injury. Whether you’ve pulled a muscle or done more damage, being laid…Continue Reading

Headache Pain Relief: How to Find Help

According to the World Health Organization, roughly 50% of the global population is affected by headaches and headache type disorders. Among these individuals, 30% reported migraines. Additionally, headaches that last 15 days or more per month affect 1.7-4% of the world’s adult population. Do you suffer from headaches or migraines? Does the pain keep you…Continue Reading