Category Archives: Neck Pain

Anterior Head Syndrome

Neck Pain Ann Arbor

Have you heard the term “tech neck?”

What causes tech neck?

Anterior Head Syndrome, also known as Forward Head Posture (FHP) and “tech neck,” is a condition where the head leans forward, sitting in front of the body’s midline instead of in line with it.


Tech Dependence (Tech Neck): Using electronics like smartphones and laptops encourages a downward head tilt, reinforcing poor posture habits over time. This is referred to as both “tech neck” and “text neck.”

Weak Neck and Upper Back Muscles: Unbalanced muscles in the neck and upper back can cause the head to lean forward. Weakness in these muscles may result from lack of exercise or poor posture.

Injury: Injuries such as whiplash or head trauma can cause your muscles to try to compensate for the injury by leaning the head forward for stability.

Occupational Factors: People working in environments that require sitting for long periods of time, such as desk jobs, can develop poor postural habits.


• Neck Pain/Tension
• Shoulder/Upper Back Pain
• Headaches
• Reduced Range of Motion
• Fatigue and Muscle Weakness
• Neurological Symptoms (numbness/tingling in the arms or hands, dizziness, or balance issues)
• Postural Imbalance (rounded shoulders or hunched upper back)

Long-Term Effects

If left uncorrected, Anterior Head Syndrome can have significant effects on your overall health. These include:

• Chronic Pain in Neck, Shoulders, and Upper Back
Degenerative Disc Disease
• Respiratory Issues (restricted chest expansion, making it harder to take full breaths)

Living Near Ann Arbor and Having Tech Neck Pain?

An Ann Arbor chiropractor can help with neck pain and tech neck! By adjusting spine and reducing the strain caused by forward head posture, Dr. Gessert can help alleviate pain and improve spinal function. To make an appointment or just ask a question, call (734) 221-0362 or submit a contact form here.

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