What Do I Need To Know Before My Examination?
After a complimentary consultation a prospective patient may elect to proceed with a specific correction examination. The examination may also be scheduled for a later time if you so choose. As always the decision is yours and there is never any pressure. Unlike some chiropractic exams, which are performed in 15 minutes by someone other than the doctor, this exam will be thoroughly performed by Dr. Gessert to identify the nature of your segmental displacement. The specific correction exam is very comprehensive so you should plan for no less then 45 minutes of your time.
What to expect during our Specific Correction Examination:
Specific Digital Radiographs
3D Structural Assessment
Neurofunctional Assessment
Neurologic and Orthopedic Assessment
** Please be prepared to dress appropriately for the examination. It is required that you have athletic/ gym shorts available, and women should also come with a sports bra for accurate structural assessment.
After the examination, if a segmental displacement has been confirmed, a follow up conference to review the results will be scheduled. Dr. Gessert will discuss the nature of your segmental displacement, care options and deliver your first specific correction.